Norah's Story

Monday, February 3, 2014

Taking Care of Me

All you mom's out there probably realized the moment after your first child was born that your life as you knew it was no longer yours.  For the last six years, my life has been about diapers, middle of the night feedings, endless loads of laundry, temper tantrums, potty training, preparing the next meals, cleaning up said meals, bath time, hair combing, book reading, disciplining, teeth brushing, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning, snuggling, and giving every inch of myself to my family.  I rarely take time for myself.  I think it is so easy to get lost in "mommyhood" that you forget who you are or what you even enjoy doing.

I am trying to remember to take care of myself sweet to myself.  I started exercising again, drinking more water, reading again, taking long baths, writing in my journal, reading my Bible more.  Mostly though I want to just feel better.  This body and soul have taken a beating!  I have been in pain for the last 6 months on my left side where my remaining ovary is....and I have ignored the pain because I didn't want to admit to myself that something else could be wrong with my lady parts.  So, I finally called Dr. C and the words I dreaded hearing--"I hate to say it, but you need a laparoscopy."  I need another surgery?!?  Anxiety sets in.  I just can't take any more, but I need to know why I am having pain.  I need to know why I am not getting pregnant again.  But I also am afraid of what is going on in there.  It could be anything causing my pain....I am not a stranger to bad and scary things happening.

On Friday morning I checked back in to have a diagnostic laparoscopy done of my abdomen.  As much anxiety that led up to the morning of the surgery, I felt at peace as we went in.  We prayed with some friends beforehand.  My mom was here holding down the fort at home.  They only had to stick me twice to get the IV in my hand!  She assured us she would take a look at everything while she was in there and would remove anything that was the cause of the pain.  I woke up and it was over.  I have endometriosis (Read here to find out what this is).  I also had another cyst growing on the outside of my ovary.  She removed all of this, and I should be good as new for the time being.  I am thankful for this diagnosis even though I know over time it can and will cause me pain.  But I know it is something that can be treated. 
Right before they gave me the good meds!

So, now I am recovering...again.  I added 3 more scars to my belly.  Praising God for bringing me through another procedure and helping me on my road to feeling better. 

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