Norah's Story

Thursday, December 9, 2010

NINE months old....

Elliott turned NINE months old earlier this week! Time just flies.....he is a sweet boy. He started crawling last week (just in time for the big move!). He says the typical "dada", "mama", "baba", and lately even says what sounds quite like "Maaaa-ggggie". He is pretty laid back and chill and loves to laugh at his sister! We went to the doctor today. Here are his stats:

17 lbs. even (10th %)
27 1/2 inches (25th %)
Head: 47 cm (25th %)

I know he is still a little peanut, but Maggie didn't weigh 17 pounds until she was a year old!! Love this boy:)

1 comment:

carlab said...

What adorable pictures of elliot. Good luck with the move!