Norah's Story

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lots of things a happening!!!

I know I'm slacking on posting. I promise that one day I'll put together a slideshow of our vacation, but we've been really busy. We are trying to get our house on the market by the first week of October. So, time is ticking and I should be doing something productive instead of posting but I had some pictures of Maggie's first day of school!! She started a Mom's Day Out program today. She will be going every Monday from 9-12. It will really be good for her considering Elliott is always napping every morning and we are basically stuck in the house from 9-11. She was SOOO excited and just gave me a little wave when I left her there. I know there will be more days like this in the years to come where she becomes more independent and is more excited to be somewhere else than with me!

1 comment:

sewster said...

ADORABLE!! What's in the backpack?